It was back in May of this year when @Ilfordphoto slid into my DMs via Instagram with a message – we love your Grapplers on Film Project, would you like to write an article about it for us? Well of COURSE I’d like to write an article about it! So I did, within days. And after a 4 month wait It was finally published this week.

So what is the Grapplers on Film project? Well, without giving too much away, I started photographing grapplers in the martial arts of judo, wrestling and jiu jitsu in all their sweaty gritty glory. And I did so in black and white film to capture the raw emotion of it.

There’s more to this story but for that you need to head across the Ilford Photo Magazine website to get all the details: The Grapplers on Film Project (Ilfordphoto Magazine)
Hope you enjoy it!